
Welcome To Villa 14

Dette er mitt virtuelle hjem hvor jeg deler ting jeg liker innen mote, interiør og foto, samt litt av det jeg tenker på, opplever og slikt. Jeg legger også ut bilder av fotograferinger. Jeg er fotograf på deltid og du kan booke en fotografering ved å kontakte meg via min web side

Monday, November 14, 2011

Reality of photographing babies

It's always a challenge to photograph people you have just met, but when it come to photographing babies, its a whole different story. Babies SCREAM! They CRY! They POOP! 

Doesn't matter where the baby is, it does what it does and its everyone else's problem. Mothers can't threaten, can't yell, it simply won't matter. Doesn't matter if they are paying you as the photographer by the hour, its all irrelevant. You can try to time it, but yes, lots of things can go wrong. 

On Friday night, amidst the hustle and bustle of organizing their sons baptism, this lovely couple comes in for a quick couple of photos, so that the day could be shared with family that was far far away. (The couple is Scottish and Filipino  - living in Norway. ) 

But as you can see Daniel was not too cooperative! 


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