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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas wish list...

So its that wonderful time of the year again when we hang up all sorts of decorations and then buy each other heaps of gifts.

My mom has given the hubby and I a deadline until Monday to come up with a list.

My sister in law up North in Norway is so organized she has already created a mood board of her wishes. Goooosh...

As usual I am so far behind. Not like there isnt things I need but its just so hard to think of those things under pressure...

Usually I work well under pressure but this is for some reason so difficult. Perhaps its because I am a practical girl who kinda don't own much I dont use. Further, how exciting is it to get those practical things that you need - like a new dustpan and brush??

But yes there are a few luxury items I would like... Like ridiculously expesive things for the house... But most of those things are too expensive to be gifts. Like a kitchen aid food processor... They are so cute. Don't know if they work, or are the best to do what they do, but they are sooo cute!!

Anyways, back on the topic of xmas lists- I also need to figure out what to buy for the Vold clan!

Aghhh its not easy :) But still, like a kid, I cant wait for Xmas ! ! !

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