
Welcome To Villa 14

Dette er mitt virtuelle hjem hvor jeg deler ting jeg liker innen mote, interiør og foto, samt litt av det jeg tenker på, opplever og slikt. Jeg legger også ut bilder av fotograferinger. Jeg er fotograf på deltid og du kan booke en fotografering ved å kontakte meg via min web side

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

She's definitely not borat!

Even though she is from Kazakstan. Sara as she likes to be called has a really really complicated name, and she works at my office. With a Masters degree and a passion for HR she is not one that is used to being in front of the camera.


She has a friend that is studying Make Up at Modern Design Makeup School at Sandnes, and is also super talented. With this shoot we wanted to show a different side to Sara, whom most days wear no makeup. Here is a couple of smiley ones!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifull!!! It was very nice to work with you girls!!! You are amazing!!!


Say hello, or contact me to book a shoot :)